Was macht Donatella Versace heute?

Was macht Donatella Versace heute?

2018 wurde es vom US-Modehaus Michael Kors gekauft und wird nun kontrolliert über den Konzern Capri Holdings. Damit ging auch eines der wenigen noch im Familienbesitz verbliebenen italienischen Modehäuser in ausländische Hand. Donatella Versace leitet aber weiter den Kreativbereich.

Wie groß ist Donatella Versace?

1,65 m
Donatella Versace/Größe

Welche Marke ist 19v69?

Diese italienische Marke wurde 2001 von Alessandro Versace gegründet. Mit seiner Expertise in der Modewelt hat er eine Marke geschaffen, die von der Eleganz, dem Stil und der Qualität Italiens dominiert wird.

Ist Versus Versace Versace?

Versace + Vaccarello = Versus Versace. So lautet Donatella Versaces neueste Erfolgsformel für die Zweitlinie des Hauses. „Versus Versace ist das rebellische Herz von Versace, angetrieben von jugendlicher Energie und Attitüde.

Is Donatella Versace still involved in Versace?

Versace was founded by her brother, Gianni Versace, and upon his death in 1997, Donatella inherited 20\% of the company and became its chief executive officer. Versace was sold to Capri Holdings in 2018, although Donatella still remains involved in ways.

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What happened to Gianni Versace’s family after he died?

In the aftermath of the highly publicized crime and manhunt, most of the Versace family, including Donatella, moved temporarily to a secluded private resort in the Caribbean. Donatella’s daughter Allegra inherited 50\% of Versace’s entire stock after Gianni’s death. She is a patron of the Elton John AIDS Foundation.

Why did Donatella Versace dye her hair blonde?

Donatella was persuaded to dye her hair blonde at just 11 years old by Gianni, because he was a big fan of Italian singer Patty Pravo. In the mid-1970s, Donatella studied literature and languages in Florence, Italy but would commute to Milan every weekend to spend time with her brother Gianni Versace.

When did Donatella Versace start her first haute couture show?

On 18 July 1998, one year and three days after Gianni’s death, Donatella Versace mounted her first Haute couture show for the Versace Atelier at the Hôtel Ritz Paris. She built her runway over the hotel’s swimming pool, as her brother had done every season, though this time using sheer glass.