Was entdeckte da Gama?

Was entdeckte da Gama?

Am 20. Mai 1498, nach fast einem Jahr Seefahrt, erreichten sie die indische Stadt Calicut an der Malabarküste. Sie hatten es geschafft: Vasco da Gama als Anführer der Flotte war der erste Europäer, der auf dem Seeweg um Afrika Indien erreichte.

Was brachte Vasco da Gama nach Europa?

Den Seeweg nach Indien (die Gewürzroute) schützte Portugal, indem es in Küstenstädten Afrikas und Arabiens Stützpunkte aufbaute und so die Durchfahrt kontrollierte. Über die neue Handelsroute konnten nun vor allem Gewürze wie Pfeffer, Muskat, Zimt und Gewürznelken leichter nach Europa gebracht werden.

What is Vasco da Gama famous for?

Vasco da Gama. Vasco da Gama, Portuguese Vasco da Gama, 1er conde da Vidigueira, (born c. 1460, Sines, Portugal—died December 24, 1524, Cochin, India), Portuguese navigator whose voyages to India (1497–99, 1502–03, 1524) opened up the sea route from western Europe to the East by way of the Cape of Good Hope.

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How many children did Vasco da Gama have?

Eventually, the command was given to his son Vasco instead. There is a crater named Vasco da Gama on the Moon. His fleet on the second voyage consisted of 20 armed ships. He had six sons and one daughter. His second son became governor of Portuguese India.

How long did it take Vasco da Gama to sail across India?

On the outgoing journey, sailing with the summer monsoon wind, da Gama’s fleet crossed the Indian Ocean in only 23 days; now, on the return trip, sailing against the wind, it took 132 days.

What happened to Vasco da Vasco on his third voyage?

On the third voyage Vasco was to take over as Viceroy of Portuguese India. However, he died of malaria shortly after arriving. Originally Vasco’s father, Estevao, was going to be given the command of the exploration fleet, but the trip was delayed for many years. Eventually, the command was given to his son Vasco instead.