Wer ist Vesta?

Vesta war eine Göttin der altitalischen, insbesondere der römischen Religion. Sie war die keusche Hüterin des heiligen Feuers, als Göttin von Heim und Herd in ihrer Rolle vergleichbar mit der Göttin Hestia in der griechischen Religion.

Was für Göttinnen gibt es?

Artemis – Göttin der Jagd, des Wachstums, der Geburt und der freien Natur; Zwillingsschwester des Apollon. Athene – Göttin der Weisheit; Schirmherrin von Kunst und Wissenschaft; Schützerin der kämpfenden Helden; Tochter des Zeus. Demeter – Göttin des Ackerbaus.

Wer sind die Eltern von hestia?


Wie heißen die weiblichen Götter?

Germanische Mythologie

Name Namensvarianten
Freyja Freya
Frîjô Frigg, Frija, Frea, Frick
Fullô Fulla, Folla (uolla)

What are some myths about Hestia?

The Myth of Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth. Hestia had fewer temples than any of the other gods of Mount Olympus , but she was worshiped the most of all. This was because she was the hearth-goddess, – that is, the goddess of the fireside, – and so had part in all the worship of the Greek home.

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What is the story of Hestia?

One interesting story about Hestia is the legend of her birth. According to the stories, she is the first and last daughter of Cronus and Rhea, because she was born first and then swallowed by her father, along with her siblings, due to his concern about the possible outcome of a prophecy.

Who was Hestia married to?

Interesting Facts About the Greek Goddess Hestia She is only sometimes included in the list of the Twelve Olympian gods. Hestia never married or had kids . Both Apollo and Poseidon wanted to marry Hestia , but she refused. Hestia is the Greek word for „hearth.“.