Was steht am Trafalgar Square?

Was steht am Trafalgar Square?

In der Mitte des Trafalgar Squares steht das Denkmal für den britischen Helden Lord Nelson, die Nelson Column („Nelsonsäule“). Nelson trug maßgeblich zum Sieg der Engländer über die Franzosen in der Schlacht von Trafalgar bei.

Warum ist der Trafalgar Square in London so berühmt?

Das wohl bekannteste Denkmal am Trafalgar Square ist die Nelson-Säule, welche große Ähnlichkeit zu den Säulen von Colon in Barcelona oder Madrid aufweist. Diese Säule wurden zwischen 1840 und 1843 erbaut und soll an den Tod von Admiral Horatio Nelson erinnern, welcher in der Schlacht von Trafalgar 1805 fiel.

What is Trafalgar Square in London famous for?

One of the best-known squares of London, Trafalgar Square acts as a thoroughfare through much of central London. As the gateway between the main shopping district of the city centre and the West of the city, Trafalgar Square is famous for being the home of the National Gallery and the National Portrait Gallery, alongside the iconic Nelson’s Column.

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What happened to the Royal Mews in Trafalgar Square?

Until 1820, Trafalgar Square was the site of the Royal Mews, where the stables, carriages, and horses of the royal household were kept. King George IV moved the mews to Buckingham Palace.

How tall is the column in Trafalgar Square?

The marble column standing 145 feet (nearly 50 m)-tall is topped by a statue of Lord Nelson and guarded by four lions, built with melted bronze from the French Navy canons. On the north side of the square is the National Gallery and in front are two impressive fountains that light up when night falls.

Who owns Trafalgar Square and the roads around it?

Trafalgar Square is owned by the Queen in Right of the Crown and managed by the Greater London Authority, while Westminster City Council owns the roads around the square, including the pedestrianised area of the North Terrace.