Wann startete Cortez seine Expedition?

Wann startete Cortez seine Expedition?

Seine Männer hielten zu ihm, und am 18. Februar 1519 stieß die kleine Flotte von elf Schiffen von Havanna aus in See. Die Truppe, mit der Cortés in die unbekannten Weiten Mittelamerikas aufbrach, war überschaubar. Rund 500 Abenteurer aus allen Teilen Spaniens, dazu ein paar Ausländer.

Warum gelang es Cortes das Aztekenreich zu erobern?

Angeblich, so erzählt es eine Überlieferung, hielt der Aztekenherrscher die Europäer für wiedergekehrte Götter. In anderen Regionen des Aztekenreiches regte sich jedoch bereits Widerstand gegen die Spanier. Um diesen Spannungen entgegenzuwirken, nahmen Cortez und seine Männer Montezuma kurzerhand als Gefangenen.

What country did Hernan Cortes conquer?

Hernando Cortes © Cortés was a Spanish conquistador (soldier and explorer) who conquered the vast Aztec empire in central America. Hernán (or Hernando) Cortés was born in 1485 in Medellín, western Spain.

How did Cortes die in the Battle of Tenochtitlan?

In April 1520, Velázquez sent an expedition to capture Cortés. As Cortés left to fight the expedition, an Aztec revolt began in Tenochtitlán. Cortés returned and obliged Montezuma to face the crowd, but the Aztec leader was struck by a stone and died.

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How did Cortes convince his enemy’s crew to go with him?

After defeating Narváez’s fleet, Cortés convinced most of his enemy’s crew to go with him by promising great riches. Upon reaching Tenochtitlan, Cortés and the new enlarged force received the message that „the Aztec had risen against the Spanish garrison“ during a religious celebration.

What happened when Cortes left Tlaxcala in 1520?

The Aztecs made Cuauhtémoc the next tlatoani. In the meantime, Cortés constructed 13 small ships to launch against the city during his next attack. He left Tlaxcala in December. Smallpox was introduced to Mexico by the Spanish, and the disease spread through the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlán in late 1520.