Ist der Komodowaran ein Wirbeltier?

Ist der Komodowaran ein Wirbeltier?

Das Beutespektrum der tagsüber aktiven Tiere verändert sich mit dem Alter und zunehmender Körpergröße und reicht von Insekten bis hin zu Säugetieren wie Mähnenhirschen und Wildschweinen….Komodowaran.

ohne Rang: Toxicofera
Familie: Varanidae
Gattung: Warane (Varanus)
Untergattung: Varanus
Art: Komodowaran

Are Komodo dragons lizards or dinosaurs?

Komodo dragons are lizards, not dinosaurs. The appearance of a dinosaur is easily understandable by its reptilian gait and large size, but no known dinosaur ever had the body plan of the komodo dragon. All carnivorous dinosaurs known were bipedal, not quadrupedal. Dinosaur tails never dragged themselves on the ground, unlike with komodo dragons.

Did the Komodo dragon evolve in Australia?

The Komodo dragon is believed to have differentiated from its Australian ancestors about 4 million years ago. However, recent fossil evidence from Queensland suggests the Komodo dragon actually evolved in Australia, before spreading to Indonesia.

How much does a Komodo dragon weigh?

In the wild, adult Komodo dragons usually weigh around 70 kg (150 lb), although captive specimens often weigh more. According to Guinness World Records, an average adult male will weigh 79 to 91 kg (174 to 201 lb) and measure 2.59 m (8.5 ft), while an average female will weigh 68 to 73 kg (150 to 161 lb) and measure 2.29 m (7.5 ft).

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Do Komodo dragons follow their escapees?

A komodo dragon will follow its escapee until this happens (usually within a week), and then consume it. The Komodo Dragon breeding season occurs between May and August. Around 20 eggs are laid in September which are deposited in abandoned megapode nests (Megapode – stocky, medium-large chicken-like birds with small heads and large feet).