Wer war Konig von Mercia?

Wer war König von Mercia?

Mercia/Staatliche Struktur

Wer war der Heilige Alfred?

Alfred der Große (auch Ælfred, von altenglisch Ælfrēd; * 848 oder 849 in Wantage, Oxfordshire; † 26. Oktober 899) war ab 871 König der West-Sachsen (Wessex) und ab etwa 886 der Angelsachsen. Er war der jüngste der fünf Söhne des 858 verstorbenen Westsachsenkönigs Æthelwulf und dessen erster Frau Osburga.

Wie heißt Mercia heute?

Mercia [ˈmɜː(ɹ)siə] (altenglisch: mierce, myrce), deutsch Mercien, Merzien oder Südhumbrien (da südlich des Humber, vgl. Northumbria), war eines der sieben angelsächsischen Königreiche während der Heptarchie.

What does Mercia mean in English?

Mercia. Mercia ( /ˈmɜːrʃiə, -ʃə/; Old English: Miercna rīce; Latin: Merciorum regnum) was one of the kingdoms of the Anglo-Saxon Heptarchy. The name is a Latinisation of the Old English Mierce or Myrce, meaning „border people“ (see March ). The kingdom was centred on the valley of the River Trent and its tributaries,…

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When did Mercia become the Heptarchy?

For 300 years (between 600 and 900), having annexed or gained submissions from five of the other six kingdoms of the Heptarchy (East Anglia, Essex, Kent, Sussex and Wessex), Mercia dominated England south of the River Humber: this period is known as the Mercian Supremacy.

What was the capital of Mercia in 873?

The court moved around the kingdom, and there was no fixed capital city. Early in its existence Repton seems to have been the location of an important royal estate. According to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, it was from Repton in 873–874 that the Great Heathen Army deposed the King of Mercia.

How did Ceolwulf become king of Mercia?

The Danes drove Burgred from his kingdom in 874 and Ceolwulf II took his place. In 877 the Danes seized the eastern part of Mercia, which became part of the Danelaw. Ceolwulf, the last king of Mercia, was left with the western half, and he reigned until 879.