Was passierte nach Sokrates Tod?

Was passierte nach Sokrates Tod?

Sokrates trinkt den Becher, weil er den Tod nicht fürchtet, ein Leben ohne Philosophie für ihn aber sinnlos ist. Aber daraus wächst Griechenlands große Philosophie. Platon gründet nach seinem Tod eine Akademie. Deren berühmtester Schüler wird Aristoteles.

Was ist Sprache Aristoteles?

Bei Aristoteles ist die Identität von Sprache und Denken weitgehend zerbrochen. War für Platon die Sprache noch das Medium, in dem sich jedwede Form der philosophischen Erkenntnis realisierte, so ist die Sprache für Aristoteles (bloß) Ausdruck des Denkens, symbolische Repräsentation von Inhalten der Seele.

What were Socrates‘ military accomplishments?

His family apparently had the moderate wealth required to launch Socrates’ career as a hoplite (foot soldier). As an infantryman, Socrates showed great physical endurance and courage, rescuing the future Athenian leader Alcibiades during the siege of Potidaea in 432 B.C. Through the 420s, Socrates was deployed for several battles in

What did Socrates believe was the best way to live?

Socrates believed the best way for people to live was to focus on the pursuit of virtue rather than the pursuit, for instance, of material wealth. He always invited others to try to concentrate more on friendships and a sense of true community, for Socrates felt this was the best way for people to grow together as a populace.

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How does Aristotle treat Socrates in his writings?

Aristotle treats Socrates without the bias of Xenophon and Plato, who had an emotional tie with Socrates, and he scrutinizes Socrates’s doctrines as a philosopher. Aristotle was familiar with the various written and unwritten stories of Socrates.

How trustworthy is Plato as a teacher of Socrates?

Plato was a pupil of Socrates and outlived him by five decades. How trustworthy Plato is in representing the attributes of Socrates is a matter of debate; the view that he wouldn’t have tried to alter Socratic thought (known as Tailor-Burket thesis) isn’t shared by many contemporary scholars.