Was bedeutet das Wort emotionale Intelligenz?

Was bedeutet das Wort emotionale Intelligenz?

Der Begriff der emotionalen Intelligenz bezeichnet die Fähigkeit, eigene Gefühle und die anderer Menschen zu erfassen, korrekt einzustufen und Handlungen daraus abzuleiten.

Wie schlau ist der Beagle?

Beagles sind sehr intelligent. Was nicht etwa zur Folge hat, dass sie gehorsam sind. Als Jagdhunde sind sie so geprägt, dass sie im freien Feld eigenständig agieren. Es bedarf einer konsequent/liebevollen Erziehung, diese Eigenwilligkeiten halbwegs zu zähmen.

Woher kommt emotionale Intelligenz?

Emotionale Intelligenz ist ein von John D. Mayer (University of New Hampshire) und Peter Salovey (Yale University) im Jahr 1990 eingeführter Terminus. Er beschreibt die Fähigkeit, eigene und fremde Gefühle (korrekt) wahrzunehmen, zu verstehen und zu beeinflussen.

Is emotional intelligence the sine qua non of leadership?

My research, along with other recent studies, clearly shows that emotional intelligence is the sine qua non of leadership. Without it, a person can have the best training in the world, an incisive, analytical mind, and an endless supply of smart ideas, but he still won’t make a great leader.

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What does it mean to be an emotionally intelligent person?

Being aware of one’s own emotions. Emotionally intelligent people are not only good at thinking about how other people might feel; they are also adept at understanding their own feelings. Self-awareness allows people to consider the many different factors that contribute to their emotions.

What is emotional intelligence (EI)?

The original definition, as coined by the team of Salovey and Mayer (1990) is: emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the collection of abilities used to identify, understand, control and assess the emotions of the self and others.

Is not being emotionally intelligent hindering your organisation?

Not being emotionally intelligent hinders collaboration within the organisation. When a leader doesn’t have a handle on their own emotions and reacts inappropriately, most of their employees tend to feel nervous about contributing their ideas and suggestions, for fear of how the leader will respond.