Welcher Politiker leitete die Entspannungspolitik ein?

Welcher Politiker leitete die Entspannungspolitik ein?

Entspannung und Annäherung in der Deutsch-deutschen Frage In Westdeutschland wurde die Regierungszeit von Bundeskanzler Willy Brandt von der Entspannungspolitik geprägt.

Was hat die KSZE mit dem Kalten Krieg zu tun?

KSZE wird zur OSZE Die durch die KSZE entstandenen Kooperationen und Beziehungen trugen zur Vertrauensbildung zwischen den beiden Blöcken bei und leisteten damit einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Ende des Ost-West-Konfliktes.

Wie nennt man die neue Ostpolitik Anfang der 1970er Jahre?

Politik (deutsche Nachkriegszeit) Außenpolitik (Deutschland) 1970er.

What happened during detente in the Cold War?

Détente, period of the easing of Cold War tensions between the U.S. and the Soviet Union from 1967 to 1979. The era was a time of increased trade and cooperation with the Soviet Union and the signing of the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) treaties.

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What was detente and what was it for?

In practical terms, détente led to formal agreements on arms control and the security of Europe. A clear sign that a détente was emerging was found in the signing of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty in 1968.

What is detente in international relations?

Detente is a French term, meaning relaxation of tension; with the watering down of antagonism and hostility between the superpowers, an atmosphere of relaxation gained momentum in international relations. It was this atmosphere of relaxation that found expression in the term detente.

What was the détente of the 1970s?

This détente took several forms, including increased discussion on arms control. Although the decade began with vast improvements in bilateral relations, by the end of the decade events had brought the two superpowers back to the brink of confrontation. Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, 1975. (Deutsches Bundesarchiv)