Wer war ein schottischer Missionar und Forscher?

Wer war ein schottischer Missionar und Forscher?

David Livingstone
David Livingstone (* 19. März 1813 in Blantyre bei Glasgow; † 1. Mai 1873 in Chitambo am Bangweulusee) war ein schottischer Missionar und ein Afrikaforscher.

Wo landete David Livingstone?

Daher kehrte er 1864 nach Großbritannien zurück und veröffentlichte hier zusammen mit seinem Bruder die Narrative of an expedition to the Zambesi and its tributaries (Lond. 1865; deutsch, Jena 1865–1866, 2 Bände). Schon im Herbst 1865 schiffte er sich von Neuem ein und landete im Januar 1866 in Sansibar.

What happened to David Livingstone?

In November 1871, journalist Henry Morton Stanley located the missing missionary David Livingstone in the wilds of Africa. Yet the famous meeting was only the beginning of Stanley’s tumultuous career as an explorer. In November 1871, journalist Henry Morton Stanley located the missing missionary David Livingstone in the wilds of Africa.

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What happened to Stanley when he met Livingstone?

When Stanley Met Livingstone. Between March and October of 1871, the New York Herald expedition endured repeated setbacks as it trudged though endless miles of swampland and jungle. Crocodiles and swarming tsetse flies killed their pack animals, and dozens of porters abandoned the caravan or died from illnesses.

What happened to William Livingstone in 1871?

Stanley knew that Livingstone had last been spotted in the vicinity of Lake Tanganyika, but reaching the area proved to be a monumental task. Between March and October of 1871, the New York Herald expedition endured repeated setbacks as it trudged though endless miles of swampland and jungle.

What was Stanley Stanley’s background?

Stanley had a fascinating background. Born John Rowlands in Denbigh in January 1841, his mother abandoned him as a baby and his father died a few weeks after his birth, although the true identity of his father is not definitively known. His mother had many children by different fathers.