Wer waren Danton und Robespierre?

Wer waren Danton und Robespierre?

Georges Danton (geboren 1759, gestorben 1794) ist vor Robespierre Anführer der Französischen Revolution und vehementer Anhänger der Republik. Nach dem Fluchtversuch des Königs fordert er dessen Absetzung.

Was hat Olympe de Gouges gemacht?

Am 14. September 1791 forderte die Feministin Olympe de Gouges die Gleichstellung von Mann und Frau. Ihre Deklaration „Erklärung der Rechte der Frau und Bürgerin“ war zwar revolutionär, ihr wurde aber nur wenig Beachtung geschenkt. Erst 1970, mit Beginn der modernen Frauenbewegung, gewann sie an Bedeutung zurück.

Who was Thomas Danton and what did he do?

Danton was one of the leading men who finally brought the revolution to a pleasant conclusion, with an end to the monarchy. In 1793, he voted for the king’s execution, and in April that year, Danton was made the president of the ‘Committee of Public Safety.’

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What happened to Danton during the Great Terror?

Leading the opposition against dictator Maximilien Robespierre in the later parts of his reign, Danton was one of the victims of the “ Great Terror “ (Spring-Summer 1794), in which Robespierre started the last stage of the Reign of Terror: killing a list of political enemies. Maximilien de Robespierre shaking hands with Danton.

What did Danton do in the war of 1792?

During the national crisis in the spring of 1792 (war was declared on Austria on April 20), Danton resumed his role of tribune of the people. On June 18 he attacked the marquis de Lafayette, an adviser of the king and a general, for using his position to play politics.

Why did Danton run away to England?

Fearing for his life and feeling the strong anti-revolutionary wave in France, Danton ran away to England. When he returned to France, he was given the post of a subordinate in the ‘Paris Commune’ on behalf of his party.