Wie alt ist Kleopatra geworden?

Wie alt ist Kleopatra geworden?

69 v. Chr. – August 30 v. Chr.
Kleopatra VII./Lebensjahre

Philopator (altgriechisch Κλεοπάτρα Θεά Φιλοπάτωρ Kleopátra Theá Philopátōr; * 69 v. Chr. in Alexandria; † 12. August 30 v. Chr. ebenda) herrschte als letzte Königin des hellenistischen Ptolemäerreiches und zugleich als letzter weiblicher Pharao Ägyptens von 51 v. Chr. bis 30 v. Chr. Kleopatra ist kein ägyptischer.

Was geschah mit dem Sohn von Kleopatra?

Chr. starb. Das stolze Geschlecht der Ptolemäer kam im Jahr 40 an sein Ende, durch einen Römer. Kaiser Caligula lud den König Ptolemäus, Enkel der Kleopatra, nach Rom und ließ ihn dort ermorden.

Who was Cleopatra’s mother?

There is no inscription or papyrus to confirm who the mother of Cleopatra VII was, but the information that exists about her and the world of the Ptolemaic period suggest that it was Queen Cleopatra V Tryphaena. Otherwise, the girl who grew up a half orphan, wouldn’t have had a chance to create such an incredible life.

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What happened to Cleopatra’s sister Tryphaena?

Cleopatra Tryphaena disappears from official records a few months after the birth of Cleopatra in 69 BC. The three younger children of Ptolemy XII, Cleopatra’s sister Arsinoe IV and brothers Ptolemy XIII Theos Philopator and Ptolemy XIV, were born in the absence of his wife.

How many children did Cleopatra have?

According to many historians, they probably had three daughters: Cleopatra VI Tryphaena, Berenice IV, and Cleopatra VII. Auletes also had three children with another unknown woman: Arsinoe, Ptolemy XIII, and Ptolemy XIV. Some researchers believe that the mother of all the Ptolemy’s children was Tryphaena, but this is just a speculation.

Why did Cleopatra name her only daughter Berenice?

There is no other explanation for such a name for her only daughter. Ptolemy and Tryphaena ruled as a divine couple theoi Philopatrores kai Philadelphoi (father-, brother- and sister-loving gods). According to many historians, they probably had three daughters: Cleopatra VI Tryphaena, Berenice IV, and Cleopatra VII.