Was ist die Flagge von Quebec?

Was ist die Flagge von Québec?

Bedeutung/Ursprung der Flagge – Meaning/Origin of the Flag: Die Flagge von Québec wurde offiziell erstmals am 21.01.1948 gehisst. Sie zeigt eine Gestaltung ähnlich der französischen Handelsflagge von vor 1789, ein weißes Kreuz auf blauem Grund. Damit werden die Verbindungen zum Mutterland Frankreich und auch der Wunsch nach kultureller, z.T.

Where can I find information on Quebec since Confederation?

The Canadian Encyclopedia, s.v. „Québec Since Confederation“, Last Edited March 04, 2015, https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/quebec-since-confederation and get back to you with any further questions.

What was the result of the Quebec referendum in 1995?

Although neither passed, the 1995 referendum saw the highest voter turnout in Quebec history, at over 93\%, and only failed by less than 1\%. In 2006, the House of Commons of Canada passed a symbolic motion recognizing the “ Québécois as a nation within a united Canada“.

What is the Register of institutions in Québec?

This register indicates the names of institutions that have been issued the right to carry on business in Québec. This register contains the names of institutions that are authorized to receive deposits of money from the public. You can consult the register of insurers that have been issued a right to carry on insurance activities in Québec.

How to obtain a legal certificate in Québec?

Consult the list of legal registers. These services enable you to request several types of certificates, consult the register of officiants and declare a birth or death. This website enables you to consult the authorization orders in the public registry of litigants subject to authorization by the Court of Appeal of Québec.

Where can I find information about class actions in Québec?

You can consult the register of insurers that have been issued a right to carry on insurance activities in Québec. The registry of class actions allows lawyers and the general public to obtain information on all the class actions instituted in Québec since January 2009.