Was heisst breites Spektrum?

Was heißt breites Spektrum?

Die beliebtesten Synonyme für das Wort breites Spektrum sind derzeit unter anderem: Spektrum, Vielzahl, ganze Reihe, große anzahl, breite Palette, großes angebot. Die Synonyme für breites Spektrum sind zwischen 4 und 21 Buchstaben lang.

Was versteht man unter Leistungsspektrum?

Leistungsspektrum. Bedeutungen: [1] Physik: Spektrum über die Frequenz eines Signals in Bezug auf die Amplitudenpegel. [2] Übersicht über das Angebot eines Unternehmens/einer Organisation oder über die Eigenschaften eines Produktes.

What does spectrum stand for?

SPECTRUM stands for 4. SPECTRUM. SPecial Experiment Concerning Typhoon Recurvature and Unusual Movement 3. SPECTRUM. State Performance Evaluation and Comprehensive Test of Reimbursement Under Medicaid 2. SPECTRUM. Shaping Possibilities and Embracing Change to Reach a United Mission 1. Spectrum. A Function of Frequency

What best defines a spectrum?

A spectrum is defined as the characteristic wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation (or a portion thereof) that is emitted or absorbed by an object or substance, atom, or molecule. Examples of a spectrum include the rainbow, the emission colors from the Sun, and the infrared absorption wavelengths from a molecule.

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What does the spectrum mean?

Spectrum Definition. A spectrum is defined as the characteristic wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation (or a portion thereof) that is emitted or absorbed by an object or substance, atom , or molecule.

What is spectrum issue?

Spectrum disorder. A spectrum approach may also expand the type or the severity of issues which are included, which may lessen the gap with other diagnoses or with what is considered „normal“. Proponents of this approach argue that it is in line with evidence of gradations in the type or severity of symptoms in the general population,…