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Wer waren Mohammeds Nachfolger?
um 573 in Mekka; gest. 23. August 634 in Medina) war einer der ersten Anhänger des Propheten Mohammed und als Vater von Aischa bint Abi Bakr sein Schwiegervater. Nach Mohammeds Tod im Juni 632 herrschte er als sein „Nachfolger“ bzw….Siehe auch.
Vorgänger | Amt | Nachfolger |
— | Rechtgeleiteter Kalif 632–634 | ʿUmar ibn al-Chattāb |
Wer war der erste Kalife?
Noch im selben Monat wird Abu Bakr, der Schwiegervater Mohammeds, zum Kalifen gewählt. Dieser hat das Amt von 632 bis 634 inne. Seinen Nachfolger hat Abu Bakr zu Lebzeiten ernannt, es ist ein anderer Schwiegervater Mohammeds, Umar ibn al-Chattab. Er herrscht bis zu seinem Tod im Jahr 644.
What is the meaning of the word khalifa in Islam?
Khalifa meaning, Khalifa in Islam, 4 Khalifa of Islam. khalifa arabic words The meaning of the word caliph is the heir, the representative, the army chief. The khalifa is the Islamic religious and political leader, and the descendant of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him). Many people consider Khalifa as representative of Allah.
Is Khalifa a representative of Allah?
Many people consider Khalifa as representative of Allah. The first four of the caliphs – the caliphs of Islam – were the relatives of the Prophet (peace be upon him) The four Caliphs are-4 Khalifa of Islam, 1 Hazrat Abu Bakar (ra), 2 Hazrat Omar (ra), 3 Hazrat Osman (ra), 4 Hazrat Ali (ra).
Who are the first four caliphs of Islam?
They are the first four Caliphs: Abu Bakr, ‚Umar, Uthman and Ali; Umar ibn Abdul-Aziz; and seven Caliphs who did notappear yet, the last one of them is Al-Mahdi. All the fist four were among thc earliest and closest Companions of the Prophet . They lived simple and righteous lives and strove hard for the religion of God.
What is the meaning of Caliph in Islam?
The word ‚Caliph‘ is the English form of the Arabic word ‚Khalifa,‘ which is short for Khalifatu Rasulil-lah. The latter expression means Successor to the Messenger of God, the Holy Prophet Muhammad . The title ‚Khalifatu Rasulil-lah‘. was first used for Abu Bakr, who was elected head of the Muslim community after the death of the Prophet.