Was hat Kipling alles geschrieben?

Was hat Kipling alles geschrieben?

Seine bekanntesten Werke sind Das Dschungelbuch und der Roman Kim. Außerdem schrieb er Gedichte und eine Vielzahl von Kurzgeschichten. Kipling gilt als wesentlicher Vertreter der Kurzgeschichte und als hervorragender Erzähler. Seine Kinderbücher gehören zu den Klassikern des Genres.

Was schrieb Kipling?

Rudyard Kipling
Das Dschungelbuch/Autoren

Für welches Buch hat Kipling den Nobelpreis bekommen?

Seine Figuren Mogli und Balu sind weltbekannt. Aber Rudyard Kipling hat viel mehr geschrieben und dafür den Literaturnobelpreis erhalten.

Wann wurde das Dschungelbuch erfunden?

Das Buch erschien das erste Mal im Jahr 1894 mit diesem Einband. Das Dschungelbuch ist eines der erfolgreichsten Jugendbücher der Erde. Der britische Schriftsteller Rudyard Kipling erzählt darin von Mogli, einem Jungen, der bei Tieren im Dschungel aufwächst.

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What is the biography of Rudyard Kipling?

Rudyard Kipling Biography. (1865–1936) Rudyard Kipling was an English author famous for an array of works like ‚Just So Stories,‘ ‚If‘ and ‚The Jungle Book.‘ He received the 1907 Nobel Prize in Literature. Rudyard Kipling was born in India in 1865 and educated in England but returned to India in 1882.

When did Rudyard Kipling write the Jungle Book?

However, Kipling’s works for children, above all his novel The Jungle Book, first published in 1894, remain part of popular culture through the many movie versions made and remade since the 1960s. Kipling was born in Bombay, India, in 1865.

Why did the Swedish Academy give Rudyard Kipling the Nobel Prize?

The Swedish Academy, in awarding the Nobel Prize in Literature this year to Rudyard Kipling, desires to pay a tribute of homage to the literature of England, so rich in manifold glories, and to the greatest genius in the realm of narrative that that country has produced in our times.

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When did Rudyard Kipling return to India?

In 1882, Kipling returned to India. It was a powerful time in the young writer’s life. The sights and sounds, even the language, which he’d believed he’d forgotten, rushed back to him upon his arrival. Kipling made his home with his parents in Lahore and, with his father’s help, found a job with a local newspaper.