Was ist mit Tyson Kidd los?

Was ist mit Tyson Kidd los?

Tyson Kidd erlitt im Juni 2015 in einem Dark-Match gegen Samoa Joe eine Verletzung der Wirbelsäule und musste operiert werden. Seither ist er nicht mehr als Wrestler aufgetreten und ist mittlerweile Backstage als Produzent bei der WWE tätig.

Bei welcher Veranstaltung starb Owen Hart?

Am 23. Mai 1999 fiel Owen Hart vor den Augen von über 16.000 Zuschauern in Kansas City in den Tod. Ein missglückter Einlauf-Stunt bei der live übertragenen Veranstaltung „Over the Edge“ kostete den jüngeren Bruder von Bret „The Hitman“ Hart im Alter von 34 Jahren das Leben.

What is the Hart wrestling family known for?

The Hart wrestling family, sometimes known as the Hart dynasty, is a mainly Canadian family with a significant history within professional wrestling. The patriarch of the family was wrestling legend Stu Hart (1915–2003). An amateur and professional wrestling performer, promoter and trainer,…

What was Bret Hart’s relationship with other WWE wrestlers like?

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Most wrestlers loved working with the legendary WWE wrestler and technician Bret Hart, but he didn’t have a positive relationship with everyone. The legacy of Bret Hart is still relevant today when looking back at the greatest in-ring performers in WWE history.

Who is Bret Hart’s father?

Bret Hart and his father Stu Hart console his mother Helen Hart. Stu Hart is the patriarch of the Hart wrestling family. Stu and his wife Helen had eight sons who joined the wrestling business and four daughters who married wrestlers.

Are Owen and Bret Hart related to Owen Hart?

Hart wrestling family. All of Stu’s eight sons were wrestlers and two of them, Bret and Owen, achieved considerable fame and success in the World Wrestling Federation (WWF, now WWE), with many of the WWF’s biggest storylines in the mid-1990s being built around Bret and Owen and their brothers-in-law.