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Was passierte mit Hickstead?
Lamaze brachte Hickstead in der Weltcupprüfung zum Einsatz. Nach Beendigung des ersten Umlaufs brach Hickstead unter seinem Reiter zusammen und verstarb kurz darauf. Infolgedessen wurde eine Schweigeminute abgehalten, auf Wunsch der Reiter wurde die Prüfung anschließend abgebrochen. „Wir sind geschockt.
Was hatte Hickstead?
Für Hickstead kam jede Hilfe zu spät. Nach einer ersten Diagnose verstarb der Hengst an einem Aorta-Abriss – dem Versagen der wichtigsten Ader am Herzen. Die genaue Todesursache soll nun in einer Autopsie geklärt werden.
Wie geht es mit Totilas weiter?
Am 14. Dezember 2020 starb Wunderhengst Totilas († 20), den Paul Schockemöhle (76) und Ann Kathrin Linsenhoff (61) 2010 für 10 Mio. Euro gekauft hatten, an den Folgen einer Kolik.
What happened to Lamaze and Hickstead?
When you see (Lamaze and Hickstead) behind the scenes and you see the relationship between the two of them, it’s really a golden moment to see.” Danson said an examination has determined that Hickstead died from heart failure because of a ruptured artery near his heart.
What happened to hicktead the horse?
Toronto Lawyer Tim Danson, a friend of Lamaze’s who hosted the conference in his Bay Street offices, said a post mortem on the horse showed he died of a ruptured aorta, the main artery leading from the heart. University of Guelph veterinarian Peter Physick-Sheard had originally speculated Hicktead may have succumbed…
What was the cause of death of John Hickstead?
At a press conference held earlier today in Toronto, it was revealed that an acute aortic rupture was the cause of Hickstead’s sudden death. At a press conference held earlier today in Toronto, it was revealed that an acute aortic rupture was the cause of Hickstead’s sudden death, Sunday, November 6th, in Italy.
What did Hickstead do before he died in Italy?
Eric Lamaze says one of the last things his gold-medal winning horse Hickstead did before dying in Italy over the weekend was to check to make sure his longtime rider was OK. We apologize, but this video has failed to load.