Inhaltsverzeichnis [hide]
Wie groß ist Burt Lancaster?
1,88 m
Burt Lancaster/Größe
Hat Burt Lancaster Kinder?
William Lancaster
Susan LancasterJimmy LancasterSighle LancasterJoanna Lancaster
Burt Lancaster/Kinder
Wie starb Burt Lancaster?
20. Oktober 1994
Burt Lancaster/Sterbedatum
Wie alt ist Gary Cooper geworden?
60 Jahre (1901–1961)
Gary Cooper/Alter zum Todeszeitpunkt
Was macht Lee Marvin?
Marvin war ein Liberaler, der in den späten 1960er Jahren für die Rechte von Homosexuellen eintrat und 1968 den demokratischen Präsidentschaftsbewerber Eugene McCarthy unterstützte. Er starb 1987 an einem Herzinfarkt und wurde auf dem Nationalfriedhof Arlington beigesetzt.
How old is Burt Lancaster?
Burt Lancaster was a popular American actor and producer who was born on 2 November 1913 (birthday/date of birth/born) and is 80 years Years of Age as in 20 October 1994 (how old is). He is 6 feet 2 inches in height (how tall is).
How many movies did Burt Lancaster Act in?
The Top 40 Films of Burt Lancaster. – IMDb The Top 40 Films of Burt Lancaster. Handsome, athletic, confident, and wildly talented, Burt Lancaster acted in some of the finest films and created many indelible characters over his 45 year film career.
What are the names of Burt Lancaster’s children?
His sons name are Bill Lancaster, Jimmy Lancaster and his daughter’s name is Joanna Lancaster, Sighle Lancaster, Susan Lancaster. Burt Lancaster Parents are James Henry Lancaster (Father/Dad) and Elizabeth Lancaster (Mother/Mom). His siblings are Bill Lancaster (Brothers) and Jane Lancaster (Sisters).
What makes Burt Lancaster’s Elmer Gantry so good?
Watching Burt Lancaster in his prime use his athletic ability (he was a circus acrobat before he became an actor) and physical grace helps make his performance truly electrifying. And he also manages to believably evolve Elmer Gantry from loud-mouthed salesman to a sympathetic and honest human being over the course of the film.