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Ist Somalia islamistisch?
Die Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujahideen (HSM; arabisch حركة الشباب المجاهدين , DMG ḥarakat aš-šabāb al-muǧāhidīn ‚Bewegung der Mudschahedin-Jugend‘) – kurz al-Shabaab (arabisch الشباب , DMG aš-šabāb ‚die Jugend‘) ist eine militante islamistische Bewegung in Somalia.
Wo ist Dschibuti auf der Weltkarte?
Djibouti liegt an der Meerenge von Bab el Mandeb am „Horn von Afrika“ und grenzt im Südosten an Somalia, im Westen und Süden an Äthiopien, im Nordwesten an Eritrea und im Osten an den Golf von Aden.
What is the current Civil War in Somalia?
(June 2020) The Somali Civil War ( Somali: Dagaalkii Sokeeye ee Soomaaliya, Arabic: الحرب الأهلية الصومالية ) is an ongoing civil war taking place in Somalia. It grew out of resistance to the military junta led by Siad Barre during the 1980s.
What happened in Somalia in the 1990s?
State collapse, clan war and famine 1991-92 Somalis use the word burbur (‘catastrophe’) to describe the period from December 1991 to March 1992, when the country was torn apart by clan-based warfare and factions plundered the remnants of the state and fought for control of rural and urban assets.
Why did the United States go to war in Somalia?
Somalia was to become a laboratory for a new form of engagement when the international community responded with a humanitarian and military intervention on an unprecedented scale. In December 1992 the outgoing US administration authorised the deployment of US forces to support the beleaguered UN mission in Somalia.
What has failed to bring peace to Somalia?
In Somalia, nearly 20 years of foreign interventions have failed to build peace. No government emerging from a peace process has established legitimacy among Somalis. But in many communities, Somalis have used traditions of conflict resolution to re-establish security.