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Wann sagt man Lord?
Lord (dt.: „Herr“) ist die englische Bezeichnung und Anredeform für Adelige, bestimmte Grundbesitzer, Feudalherren, für verschiedene Personen des christlichen Gottes oder andere hochgestellte Persönlichkeiten.
Welchen Titel haben die Kinder eines Lords?
Die Söhne von Earls, sowie Söhne und Töchter von Viscounts, Barons und Lords of Parliament führen das Höflichkeitsprädikat The Honourable (deutsch „der Ehrenwerte“), gewöhnlich abgekürzt zu „Hon. “, vor ihrem Vor- und Zunamen.
Was ist der Sohn von einem Lord?
Übersicht über die Höflichkeitstitel
Peer | Ehefrau | jüngere Söhne |
Duke | Duchess | Lord [Vorname] [Nachname] |
Marquess | Marchioness | Lord [Vorname] [Nachname] |
Earl | Countess | The Honourable [Vorname] [Nachname] |
Viscount | Viscountess | The Honourable [Vorname] [Nachname] |
What is another name for an earl in England?
Alternative names for the rank equivalent to „earl“ or „count“ in the nobility structure are used in other countries, such as the hakushaku (伯爵) of the post-restoration Japanese Imperial era . In modern Britain, an earl is a member of the peerage, ranking below a marquess and above a viscount.
How many earldoms have there been in the UK?
As can be seen from the list above, the men who are (1) Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, (2) Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire, (3) Earl of Lindsey and Abingdon and (4) Earl of Winchilsea and Nottingham each hold two earldoms in the peerage of England. There are therefore 24 such earldoms whose holder does not hold a higher peerage.
What is the title of the eldest son of an Earl?
The eldest son of an earl, though not himself a peer, is entitled to use a courtesy title, usually the highest of his father’s lesser titles (if any), for instance the eldest son of The Earl Of Wessex is styled as James, Viscount Severn.
What is the difference between a child of an earl and Countess?
There is no difference between the courtesy titles given to the children of earls and the children of countesses in their own right, provided the husband of the countess has a lower rank than she does. If her husband has a higher rank, their children will be given titles according to his rank.