Warum bekomme ich so viele Pigmentflecken?

Warum bekomme ich so viele Pigmentflecken?

Ursachen: übermäßige Bildung des Hautfarbstoffes Melanin, etwa infolge von Sonneneinstrahlung oder Veranlagung. Weibliche Hormone (Schwangerschaft, hormonelle Vergütungsmittel), Verbrennungen sowie diverse Erkrankungen und Medikamente begünstigen Pigmentstörungen.

Wie groß können Pigmentflecken werden?

Sie können winzig klein, aber auch mehrere Zentimeter groß sein. Auch ihre Form variiert von rundlich über oval bis hin zu unregelmäßig begrenzten Flecken. Anders als Sommersprossen verblassen sie kaum, wenn im Herbst und Winter die UV-Belastung sinkt. Im Normalfall sind Altersflecken ungefährlich.

How can I get rid of my lentigo?

Laser therapy involves using beams of light to remove your lentigo skin spot. Laster therapy allows for a more precise removal than with traditional surgery. Many people who undergo laser surgery also have quicker recovery times. Lentigo is usually classified based on the cause and location on your body.

What is lentigo maligna (lentigo freckle)?

Lentigo maligna is also known as Hutchinson melanotic freckle. Lentigo maligna is an early form of melanoma in which the malignant cells are confined to the tissue of origin, the epidermis, hence it is often reported as ‘ in situ ’ melanoma. It occurs in sun damaged skin so is generally found on the face or neck, particularly the nose and cheek.

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What causes lentigo to appear?

Most types of lentigo are caused by sun or radiation exposure. Lentigo is most common in middle-aged or older people. Solar lentigo is caused by sun exposure and is often referred to as age spots or liver spots. Solar lentigo commonly appears in sun-exposed parts of your body.

Can Lentigo simplex be benign?

Lentigo simplex can occur anywhere on your limbs, body, or mucous membranes. Unlike other types of lentigo, lentigo simplex can appear at birth or in childhood. The spots don’t cause pain or itchiness and are benign, meaning that they don’t develop into skin cancer.