Was fur Online Communities gibt es?

Was für Online Communities gibt es?

Neben diesen organisierten Gemeinschaften existieren natürlich weitere Beispiele für Communities im Alltag wie:

  • Nachbarschaft und Familie.
  • Klassengemeinschaften in Schule und Ausbildung.
  • Schicksalsgemeinschaften durch ungewöhnliche Ereignisse.
  • Arbeitskollektive.
  • Wissenschaftsgemeinschaften.
  • Religionsgemeinschaften.

Was gibt es noch für Communitys?

Community Communication: Vier Typen von Communitys

  • Eine Community vereint Personen mit einem gemeinsamen Interesse.
  • Wissens-Community – lernen und lehren.
  • Service-Community – Nutzer hilft Nutzer.
  • Produkt-Community – Nutzern, Fakten, Fun.
  • Passion-Community – geteilte Leidenschaft.
  • Eine für Alles?

Was ist die größte Community der Welt?

Mit 1,11 Milliarden Nutzern weltweit (Stand: Oktober 2013) ist Facebook das mit Abstand größte soziale Netzwerk.

What are E-communities and how do they work?

E-Communities are one sort of communication platform on the internet, and support or initiate business processes. They are used to build constant, self dynamic communication and interaction processes. Learn more in: Diffusion and Oscillation of Telecommunications Services: The Case of Web 2.0 Platforms 3.

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What is the E-community partnership?

The E-Community partnership, now in its thirteenth year, has grown from six communities in 2007 to 66 in 2020. To date, E-Communities have provided $21.5 million to businesses, leveraging an additional $99.2 million (bank loans, owner down payment, resource partner loans, etc.).

What is a network Kansas E-community?

A NetWork Kansas E-Community has made a commitment to cultivating an entrepreneurial environment by identifying and developing resources to help local entrepreneurs start or grow businesses.

What is the E-community’s policy on collection?

The E-Community has the discretion to pursue collection or legal action, at their expense, and if funds are recovered, they are to be returned to the E-Community regional bank account.