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Was macht Alan Alda heute?
Der „Hawkeye“-Darsteller Alan Alda ist auch heute noch als Schauspieler aktiv. Er spielte unter anderem im Film „Marriage Story“ mit, der für den Oscar nominiert wurde.
Was machen die Leute von Mash?
Alan Alda ganz privat Schon seit 1957 ist Alan Alda, der damals süße 21 Jahre alt war, mit seiner Frau Arlene (88) verheiratet. Gemeinsam bekam das Paar drei Kinder, Eve, Beatrice und Elizabeth. Mittlerweile sind Alan und Arlene sogar mehrfache Großeltern.
Wie alt ist Alan Alda?
85 Jahre (28. Januar 1936)
Alan Alda/Alter
What happened to Henry Blake in mash?
In the Richard Hooker novels and Robert Altman film, Henry Blake remained behind in command of the 4077th MASH after Hawkeye and Duke went home. In the novel M*A*S*H Mania (set in the 1970s) it is revealed that Blake stayed in the Army and had attained the rank of Major General.
Who played Colonel Blake in M*A*S*H?
He was also a character in the 1970 M*A*S*H film, played by Roger Bowen, and more famously, in the M*A*S*H television series, played by McLean Stevenson . Lieutenant Colonel Blake was the happy-go-lucky, easygoing commanding officer of the 4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital during the Korean War.
What happened to Henry Blake on the show ER?
In one of the best remembered and most emotional episodes of the entire 11 year series, Radar has an announcement for Henry in O.R. Henry Blake has received his discharge: he is finally going home to Bloomington, Illinois, to his wife, Lorraine, and their children, the country club and his medical practice.
What happened to Henry Blake on St Elsewhere?
Trivia In the final episode of St. Elsewhere (1982), a patient is examined in the morgue named Henry Blake (Patient 4077). He is believed to have died as the result of injuries sustained in a helicopter crash. Of course, Henry was in a plane that was shot down, but the inside joke was good.