Wer war 1871 deutscher Kaiser?

Wer war 1871 deutscher Kaiser?

König Wilhelm I
Noch während Paris von deutschen Truppen belagert wurde, proklamierten die deutschen Fürsten und Vertreter der Freien Städte am 18. Januar 1871 im Versailler Schloss den preußischen König Wilhelm I. zum Deutschen Kaiser.

Wer rief den deutschen Kaiser aus?

Friedrich dem I. gelang es jedoch, diesen offenen Streitpunkt bei seinem Auftritt geschickt zu umgehen. Er rief in die harrende, lautlose Versammlung „Seine kaiserliche und königliche Majestät, Kaiser Wilhelm, lebe hoch, hoch, hoch! “ Dies hinterließ er vor 132 Jahren so in seinem Versailler Tagebuch.

Who was involved in the war of 1870?

SHARE THE PAGE! Often referred to in France as the War of 1870 (19 July 1870 – 10 May 1871), was a conflict between the Second French Empire of Napoleon III and the German states of the North German Confederation led by the Kingdom of Prussia. View Historic Battle »

What was the significance of the unification of Germany in 1871?

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The Unification of Germany into the German Empire, dominated by Prussia with a federalist structure was announced on 18 January 1871 in the Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles in France. This event would have a major impact on European politics for decades.

What happened after the Battle of Paris in 1871?

The war would continue until the fall of Paris to the Prussian Army in January 1871. In the meantime, Bismarck had gathered the German general’s princes and Kings at Versailles and declared King William I of Prussia as the Emperor of the German Empire on January 18.

Why did France declare war on Prussia in 1870?

On 16 July 1870, the French parliament voted to declare war on Prussia and hostilities began three days later when French forces invaded German territory. The German coalition mobilised its troops much more quickly than the French and rapidly invaded northeastern France.