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Wo ist Osttimor?
Osttimor, offiziell Demokratische Republik Timor-Leste, ist ein Inselstaat in Südostasien und war der erste Staat, der im 21. Jahrhundert unabhängig wurde. Die einzige Landgrenze trennt Osttimor vom indonesischen Westteil der Insel Timor, der zu der Provinz Ost-Nusa Tenggara (Nusa Tenggara Timur) gehört.
Wie kommt man nach Osttimor?
Anreise nach Timor-Leste Wer fliegen möchte, kann ausschließlich über den internationalen Flughafen in Dili einreisen. Verbindungen gibt es derzeit lediglich nach Denpasar (Bali), Singapur und Darwin in Australien.
Ist Osttimor sicher?
Die Sicherheitslage in Timor-Leste ist grundsätzlich stabil, birgt jedoch angesichts sozialer Spannungen und einer hohen Jugendarbeitslosigkeit Konfliktpotential.
Welche Sprache spricht man in Osttimor?
What happened to the Timorese in Timor Leste?
As a result, many of the Timorese – weakened by starvation and surviving on small rations given by their captors – died of malnutrition, cholera, diarrhea and tuberculosis. By late 1979, between 300,000 and 370,000 Timorese had passed through these camps.
How many died in the Indonesian invasion of East Timor?
In an interview on 5 April 1977 with the Sydney Morning Herald, Indonesian Foreign Minister Adam Malik said the number of dead was „50,000 people or perhaps 80,000“. The Indonesian government presented its annexation of East Timor as a matter of anticolonial unity.
Why did the Indonesian government annex East Timor?
The Indonesian government presented its annexation of East Timor as a matter of anticolonial unity. A 1977 booklet from the Indonesian Department of Foreign Affairs, entitled Decolonization in East Timor, paid tribute to the „sacred right of self-determination“ and recognised APODETI as the true representatives of the East Timorese majority.
How are the Timorese treated by the FRETELIN?
Well the Timorese have been treated pretty badly, initially as a Portuguese colony, and then under brutal occupation by Indonesia. The FRETELIN fought a bloody civil war for independence against the latter, which they achieved in 2002. Since then the industrious Timorese have been building their own independence, and thus a country to visit.