Was geschah im Jahre 1661?

Was geschah im Jahre 1661?

Mazarin: die graue Eminenz große Macht. Nach dem Tode Mazarins im Jahr 1661 übernahm König Ludwig XIV. selbst die Regierung. Sein Ziel war es, Frankreich zur stärksten Macht in Europa zu machen, was ihm – zumindest für eine gewisse Zeit – auch gelang.

Was passierte 1661 bis 1715?

Ludwig XIV., französisch Louis XIV (* 5. September 1638 in Schloss Saint-Germain-en-Laye; † 1. September 1715 in Schloss Versailles), war ein französischer Prinz aus dem Haus Bourbon und von 1643 bis zu seinem Tod König von Frankreich und Navarra sowie Kofürst von Andorra.

How did England change in the year 1660?

To appreciate the change that the country experience in 1660 you first have to reflect that there was no such thing as a king of England in 1659. Oliver Cromwell had died in September 1658, leaving his son Richard as Lord Protector of the Commonwealth.

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What happened during the restoration of the monarchy in 1660?

Restoration, Restoration of the monarchy in England in 1660. It marked the return of Charles II as king (1660–85) following the period of Oliver Cromwell ’s Commonwealth. The bishops were restored to Parliament, which established a strict Anglican orthodoxy.

What happened in the year 1662 in England?

18 December – the Company of Royal Adventurers Trading to Africa is chartered; it will come to have a monopoly over the English slave trade. It is led by Duke of York. Robert Boyle’s landmark book New Experiments Physico-Mechanicall, Touching the Spring of the Air and its Effects. The second edition in 1662 will contain Boyle’s Law.

What happened in the year 1602 in England?

2 October–3 January 1602 – the Siege of Kinsale ends the Nine Years‘ War. November – Elizabeth I addresses her final parliament with the Golden Speech. An Act for the Relief of the Poor codifies the English Poor Laws. 2 February ( Candlemas night) – first recorded performance of Shakespeare’s comedy Twelfth Night, in Middle Temple Hall, London.