Was ist ein FIV Test?

Was ist ein FIV Test?

Felines Immundefizienzvirus (Antikörper) Testen Sie alle Katzen auf spezifische Antikörper gegen das Feline Immundefizienzvirus (FIV) in Serum, Plasma oder antikoaguliertem Vollblut. Ein positives Testergebnis zeigt an, dass eine nicht geimpfte Katze FIV-Antikörper hat und daher als infiziert zu betrachten ist.

Wie wird FIV getestet?

FIV kann durch eine Blutuntersuchung nachgewiesen werden, indem entweder das Virus selber (direkter Nachweis) oder, gebräuchlicher, die vom Körper gegen das Virus produzierten Antikörper (indirekter Nachweis) nachgewiesen werden.

What is the snap feline triple test?

What is the SNAP Feline Triple Test? The SNAP® Feline Triple® Test screens cats for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) antibody, feline leukemia virus (FeLV) antigen , and feline heartworm (FHW) antigen. This three-in-one test for feline infectious diseases introduces an enhanced tool to promote feline health care. How should the SNAP Feline Triple Test results be

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When can I get my kitten tested for FIV, FeLV?

Kittens under 6 months of age should not be tested, as they may test positive for FeLV or FIV even though they are rarely infected. The antibodies of these retroviruses can be passed from infected mothers through nursing and will pass through the kitten in time. Kittens should only be tested if they are above 8 months of age.

How is FeLV transmitted?

FeLV is spread primarily through cats’ saliva. It can also spread through blood, tears, feces, and urine. Most cats acquire the virus from their infected mothers at birth or through prolonged direct contact, such as mutual grooming. It can also spread through bite wounds and rarely through the shared use of litter boxes or feeding dishes.

What is the snap test for dogs?

The SNAP Canine Parvovirus Antigen Test Kit is a rapid enzyme immunoassay for the detection of canine parvovirus (CPV) antigen in canine feces. This test detects a surface protein antigen of CPV (including intact virus particles) shed in the feces of CPV-infected dogs. ● Store at 2-25°C until the expiration date.