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Welche Drogen wurden in Portugal entkriminalisiert?
Vor fast genau 20 Jahren hat das Land den Besitz und Konsum kleiner Mengen Drogen entkriminalisiert, ganz gleich ob Cannabis, Kokain, Amphetamine oder sogar Heroin.
Wann wurden Drogen in Portugal entkriminalisiert?
Damals hatte der Mediziner Portugals Regierung zu einem radikalen Schritt überzeugt. 2001 wurde der Konsum aller Drogen – weicher wie harter – im westlichsten Land Europas per Parlamentsbeschluss entkriminalisiert.
Was ist in Portugal legal?
Das portugiesische Drogenmodell hat aber auch Grenzen: Erlaubt ist der Besitz und Konsum von zehn Tagesrationen, also 25 Gramm Marihuana, zehn Pillen Ecstasy, zwei Gramm Kokain oder einem Gramm Heroin. Alles darüber sieht das Strafrecht als Dealen an.
What does decriminalized mean in Portugal?
Portugal has decriminalized all drug usage. It means it is no one will go to jail for using any drugs, but it is not legal (in most cases you will have to go on treatment if you use hard drugs, and you’ll have to destroy it if you are caught using light drugs – the distinction is,…
What is the drug policy in Portugal?
Portugal has decriminalized all drug usage. It means it is no one will go to jail for using any drugs, but it is not legal (in most cases you will have to go on treatment if you use hard drugs, and you’ll have to destroy it if you are caught using light drugs – the distinction is, of course, subjective and arbitrary).
Is it illegal to enter Portugal as a foreign citizen?
According to article 181 of the Foreigners Law: The entry of foreign nationals into Portuguese territory is considered illegal in violation of the provisions of articles: We can thus exemplify some situations of citizens who are in an irregular situation:
Is online gambling legal in Portugal?
Online gambling was only legalised in Portugal as recently as 2015. The new law meant that all online gambling operators must obtain a licence and pay taxes to the Portuguese state. Casino da Póvoa, Portugal.