Wer sind die tainos?

Jahrhundertelang galten die Taínos, die Ureinwohner der Karibik, als ausgerottet. Im Laufe von 4.000 Jahren besiedelten sie die karibischen Inseln von Südamerika aus. Die Spanier hatten auf Gold und exotische Gewürze gehofft, als sie dort 1492 landeten – aber Gold gab es kaum und die Gewürze waren ungewohnt.

Auf welchen Inseln spricht man Spanisch?

Auch in Kuba, der Dominikanischen Republik, Puerto Rico, Kolumbien, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivien, Chile, Argentinien, Paraguay, Uruguay und Brasilien wird Spanisch gesprochen. In der Karibik weist das Spanische dabei Ähnlichkeiten mit dem Andalusischen und dem Kanarischen auf.

Who are the Puerto Ricans?

Puerto Ricans are a beautiful mix of indigenous Taínos, Africans, and Spanish ancestry; and they come in all shades and skin tones. So it’s hard to answer a simple question such as, „What are you?“

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What race are Puerto Ricans of African ancestry?

The black ethnic group or Puerto Ricans of African ancestry originated either from slaves or freed slaves. Since its occupation of Puerto Rico, Spain had brought in African slaves to work in farms in the islands. By the 16th century, African slaves were trooping into the islands in their thousands.

What is the Indigenous Council of Puerto Rico?

Legislation in Puerto Rico does not currently recognize any indigenous organizations; so the council is listed by the Puerto Rico State Department as a religious organization, allowing them to host spiritual ceremonies and give public presentations.

Are the jíbaro and Taíno indigenous communities recognized by the Puerto Rican government?

The Jíbaro and Taíno indigenous communities are not recognized by the Puerto Rican government. But two organizations dedicated to preserving their respective history and traditions are working to gain recognition as indigenous groups, as well as unrestricted access to their ancestral lands.