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Wie heißt der Finisher von Undertaker?
Der Name des Finishing Moves eines Wrestlers steht oft in Bezug zu dessen Gimmick, wie z. B. bei The Big Show (Show Stopper), The Undertaker (Tombstone Piledriver), Batista (Batista Bomb) oder dem „Million Dollar Man“ Ted DiBiase (Million Dollar Dream).
Wie heißt der Finisher von Rey Mysterio?
Mysterio hielt den höchsten Titel der WWE insgesamt dreimal….
Rey Mysterio | |
Geburtsname | Óscar González Gutiérrez Rubio |
Geburt | 11. Dezember 1974 Chula Vista, Kalifornien, Vereinigte Staaten |
Nationalität | Vereinigte Staaten |
Ringname(n) | Colibrí Rey Mysterio Rey Mysterio Jr. |
What would professional wrestling be like without finishers?
There’s nothing like the spectacle of professional wrestling. The gimmicks, the athletic feats, the storylines — it’s all just the best. But without the proper finisher, a wrestler might as well sign up to be a jobber. Go ahead; try to imagine Shawn Michaels without the superkick or Stone Cold without his Stunner.
What makes a professional wrestler a legend?
In professional wrestling, a wrestler cannot become a legend without an ending. He can have the athletic ability, the look, and even an amazing storyline and still fail if he is missing that one thing that is required of the greatest pro wrestlers of all time, a finisher.
What is the most overused move in Pro Wrestling?
The Spear has become one of the most overused moves in all of pro wrestling. However, when Bill Goldberg first started using it as the set up for his Jackhammer finisher, fans marveled at its ferocity. It might not have been Goldberg’s finisher, but it was a very big part of his appeal and popularity.
What is the most impressive moment in professional wrestling history?
The whole undefeated streak was such amateur booking. At the time, however, Goldberg was awesome, and the time he hit the Jackhammer on the Giant is one of the most impressive moments in professional wrestling history. 13.